Some animals have long names, some have short names, and others have names that fall somewhere in the middle. These creatures all have names that are 7 letters long. In this article, we will discuss 19 animals that have 7-letter names, which can be found in different habitats such as jungles, oceans, and around the world.
19 Animals With 7 letter Names
1. Axolotl
Scientific name: Ambystoma mexicanum
In the wild, these aquatic salamanders can only be found in Lake Xochimilco, an ancient lake in Mexico City. They have wide heads, lidless eyes, and colorful stalks that extend from their heads.
Axolotls are carnivores and enjoy a variety of foods, like insects, crustaceans, and small fish. They have powerful regeneration abilities and can grow back nearly any missing body part. An axolotl can regrow its tail, jaw, and even part of its heart or brain!
2. Gorilla
Scientific name: Gorilla
The gorilla is the largest primate in the world and can grow to be more than six feet tall! There are two species, eastern and western gorillas, which are divided into several subspecies. You can find gorillas throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
Gorillas usually live in large groups known as troops. A troop can include as many as 30 gorillas! They’re very intelligent animals that can use sticks and other materials to make tools.
3. Manatee
Scientific name: Trichechus
These herbivorous marine mammals can be found in rivers, canals, and other bodies of water and often move between freshwater and saltwater habitats. Manatees mainly feed on aquatic grasses, which is why they’re sometimes called sea cows!
An adult manatee can grow to be nine to ten feet long and can weigh more than 1,000 pounds! Even though manatees are massive, they can eat up to 10% of their body weight every day. The manatee is extremely docile and has no natural predators.
4. Ostrich
Scientific name: Struthio
The ostrich can only be found in Africa, where it usually lives in savannas. It can grow to be more than 8 feet tall, making it the largest flightless bird in the world! Ostriches are omnivores, but the bulk of their diet is plants and seeds.
These birds have large eyes and long legs, which they sometimes use to kick predators! Ostriches might not be able to fly, but they’re very fast, reaching speeds of more than 43 miles per hour.
5. Octopus
Scientific name: Octopoda
There are more than 300 octopus species, including the mimic octopus and the pygmy octopus! All octopuses have soft bodies and eight appendages, which they use to swim, grab prey, and explore their environment. You can find the octopus in many parts of the ocean, including seabeds and coral reefs.
When an octopus is threatened, it can spray ink. Not only does this ink conceal the octopus, but it can also irritate a predator’s eyes! Most octopuses have short lifespans, and some species live as little as six months.
6. Raccoon
Scientific name: Procyon lotor
The raccoon is a highly adaptable animal native to North America. It lives in a variety of habitats, including forests, mountains, marshes, and urban environments. Raccoons are known to dig through trash cans as they search for food.
People sometimes compare raccoons to bandits because of the mask-like markings on their faces. They have five fingers on each hand, which they use to manipulate objects.
7. Meerkat
Scientific name: Suricata suricatta
Located in southern Africa, the meerkat is a small mongoose species known for its social behavior. Meerkats live in groups of up to 30 animals. They cooperate to find food and avoid threats.
Although meerkats are omnivores, their diets mostly consist of insects. Meerkats are usually found in plains habitats and live in underground burrows. These burrows provide them with shade and help keep them cool on hot, sunny days.
8. Echidna
Scientific name: Tachyglossidae
Also known as the spiky anteater, the echidna is a mammal found in Australia. It’s a close relative of the platypus and is one of only two mammals that lay eggs.
Echidnas are covered in spines, which are made of a protein called keratin. Not only do echidnas have small mouths, but they have no teeth at all. They use their long, sticky tongues to grab and eat ants and other insects.
9. Muskrat
Scientific name: Ondatra zibethicus
This semi-aquatic rodent originated in North America, but it’s been introduced to many other parts of the world, like South America, Europe, and Asia. It primarily lives in marshes and spends the majority of its time in the water. They can stay underwater for up to 17 minutes!
Although muskrats are omnivores, they primarily feed on aquatic plants, like duckweed and water lilies. Their bodies are covered in two layers of fur, which keeps them warm when they swim in cold water. Muskrats also have long, scaly tails.
10. Cheetah
Scientific name: Acinonyx jubatus
The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, traveling at speeds up to 80 miles per hour. These large cats are mostly found in Africa but also live in Central Iran. Cheetahs have pale coats that are covered in dark spots.
In the wild, cheetahs live in many habitats, like savannas, deserts, and mountain ranges. It’s an obligate carnivore and must hunt for prey to survive. Cheetahs eat a variety of animals, including antelope, gazelles, and young warthogs.
11. Pelican
Scientific name: Pelecanus
These large water birds can grow to be more than five feet long, with a wingspan of over nine feet. Pelicans have long beaks and pouches in their throats, which they use to catch and hold prey.
While pelicans live across the globe, they’re rarely seen in South America and arctic regions. They typically live along coastal waters, where they can scoop up fish from the surface of the water.
12. Giraffe
Scientific name: Giraffa
Measuring between 14 and 19 feet tall, giraffes are the tallest living land animal. It has long legs and a long neck, which helps it reach the leaves that it feeds on. Giraffes have pale bodies that are covered in reddish-brown spots.
The giraffe is found in Africa and lives in savannas. They get nearly all the water they need from plants, which means they can go days without drinking.
13. Penguin
Scientific name: Spheniscidae
These flightless aquatic birds split their lives between the land and the sea. Many penguins live in cold regions, like Antarctica, but others can be found in tropical areas, like the Galapagos Islands.
Penguins have short necks and elongated bodies, which help them travel at fast speeds when they swim through the water. While a penguin’s diet can vary based on its species, most penguins eat fish, krill, and squid.
14. Leopard
Scientific name: Panthera pardus
The leopard can be found in many habitats, including rainforests, deserts, and grasslands. While leopard populations have been wiped out in many parts of the world, they can still be found in Africa and Asia.
These large cats eat a varied diet that includes insects, fish, and mammals. They’re solitary animals and tend to avoid each other unless it’s mating season.
15. Narwhal
Scientific name: Monodon monoceros
These medium-sized whales are known for the large tusk that extends from their heads. This tusk is actually an overgrown canine tooth and can grow to be more than 10 feet long.
Narwhals are found in arctic waters and swim beneath the ice to search for prey. They can stay underwater for up to 25 minutes. Narwhals eat a variety of fish, including flatfish and cod.
16. Hamster
Scientific name: Cricetinae
Hamsters are small rodents with short, stocky bodies and fur that can range from golden brown to black. They have internal cheek pouches that allow them to gather food and carry it back to their nest. Hamsters have poor eyesight and rely on their sense of smell and hearing to navigate their surroundings.
17. Termite
Scientific name: Isoptera
Termites are small, pale insects that live in large colonies and have a complex social structure. They’re known for their ability to break down and consume cellulose-based materials like wood and plant matter. Termites communicate with each other through the use of pheromones, which helps them coordinate their activities and maintain the integrity of their colony.
18. Gharial
Scientific name: Gavialis gangeticus
The Gharial is a large crocodilian species native to the Indian subcontinent. It has a long, narrow snout with over 110 sharp teeth and light tan or olive-colored skin with darker bands. They can grow up to 20 feet long and are one of the world’s longest reptiles.
Gharials have a fish-eating diet and are able to sense vibrations in the water to locate their prey. They’re one of only two species in the Gavialidae family, with the other being the false gharial.
19. Haddock
Scientific name: Melanogrammus aeglefinus
The haddock is a marine fish with a dark, lateral line down its silver-gray body. They grow up to 3 feet long weigh up to 7 pounds, and live on the sea floor at depths of 130 to 500 feet. Haddock is commercially important and has a special organ called the swim bladder that helps them control their buoyancy. is your #1 source for free information about all types of wildlife and exotic pets. We also share helpful tips and guides on a variety of topics related to animals and nature.