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8 Exotic Pets That Can Be House Trained (With Pictures)

Exotic pets are becoming more and more popular. They are cute, unique, and so much fun. For reasons like these, it can be tempting to just jump right in and become an exotic pet owner. Unfortunately these unique pets can be a lot more difficult and costly to care for than domestic pets. If your heart is set on something a little more exotic rather than a dog or cat, then wouldn’t it be nice to get one that isn’t super messy? Did you know that there are some exotic pets that can be house trained?

In this article I’ve taken the time to create a list of 8 exotic pets that can be potty trained!

Photo collage exotic pets that can be house trained

8 exotic pets that can be house trained

House training any animal can take hard work, some taking more time and patience than others, but house training can be a game-changer, letting you enjoy your furry companion with less mess! With these eight unique pets, the time and effort is rewarding.

1. Ferrets

  • Scientific name Mustela putorius furo
  • Adult Weight: 1.5 and 4.4 lb
  • Adult Length: 20in (including tail )
  • Life Span: 8 years

First up on this list of exotic pets that can be house trained is the Ferret. Ferrets are surprisingly intelligent, dog level intelligent! So it’s not surprising that these little rascals made the list. Ferrets can easily be house trained and taught to use a litter box. However, unlike cats, Ferrets will not inherently understand to use the litter box.

Ferrets must be shown, and this process should be done in steps and may have to be repeated as a reminder. Now your new furry little family member will be able to keep you company, steal your slippers and favorite shirt, and you won’t have to worry about stepping in poo!

Ferrets are quirky and cute, you can’t go wrong with these lovable creatures.

Ferret facts

  • Ferrets are very flexible
  • They have a musky odor
  • Ferrets love to steal and hide things
  • They can squeeze into tight spots
  • Ferrets are extremely intelligent

2. Fancy Rats

  • Scientific name: Rattus norvegicus
  • Adult Weight: 450-650 grams for males, 350-450 grams for females
  • Adult Length: 9 – 11 inches
  • Life Span: 2-4 years

Fancy rats made it on the list because even for their tiny sizes, they are one of the smartest critters. From my experience, rats are already capable of picking a spot to poop in regularly. Rats only need a little push in the right direction.

They will use litter pans, mixed with litter or bedding or a combination of the two. Once they are potty trained inside the cage, you will be able to start training outside their cage. Rats, like most animals, will take patience, but the payoff is worth it.

Fancy Rat facts:

  • Fancy Rats are very sociable creatures
  • Rats aren’t capable of throwing up
  • They can laugh, we just can’t hear them!
  • They’re capable of holding their bladder
  • Fancy Rats are very intelligent
  • Rats can learn lots of tricks

3. Guinea Pigs

  • Scientific name: Cavia porcellus
  • Adult Weight: 1 1/2 – 2 1/2 lbs
  • Adult Length: 7 – 9 in
  • Life Span:  4- 8 years
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Guinea pigs are super sweet and adorable creatures! If you were hoping these little guys could be house-trained you are in luck! Guinea pigs like rats already like to do their business in one spot, so before adding a pan, you’ll want to observe your little guy or girl and find that spot!

Once you’ve trained them in their cage, slowly start training them in the house, starting in small spaces, and progressing gradually. House-training these little cuties can be well worth it!

Guinea Pig facts:

  • Guinea Pigs come in multiple breeds
  • They have four toes on their front feet but only 3 on their back feet.
  • Guinea pigs originated from the Andes
  • Guinea Pigs are also very sociable creatures
  • President Theodore Roosevelt and Queen Elizabeth I had Guinea pigs for pets

4. Pot-bellied Pigs

  • Scientific name Sus scrofa domesticus
  • Adult Weight: 12 to over 200 lbs
  • Adult Length: varies greatly depending on species
  • Life Span:14-21 years

These Large or small lovable creatures don’t just live on farms and in barns anymore. Pig-owners are bringing their pigs inside! These sweet creatures make well, in the wise words of Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web, make terrific pets! Intelligent, and sweet! No wonder we’re bringing them indoors! These guys are very trainable.

It is important to start training right away, always good to make house-training the top priority, getting them started on a routine right away, learning what you want, so to keep your home as mess-free as possible. Potbellies can be litter trained, outside trained, or a combination of both. They are well worth the effort!

These lovable creatures will be sure to keep you smiling!

Pot-bellied Pig facts:

  • Pot-bellied pigs come in a wide variety of sizes
  • Pigs roll around in the mud to protect themselves from sunburn, and to keep cool
  • Pot-bellied Pigs have an excellent sense of smell
  • They are not dirty animals despite their bad reputation
  • George Clooney, Miley Cyrus, and Paris Hilton have or had pet pigs
  • George Clooney’s pig was with him for almost two decades before passing

5. Pygmy Goats

  • Scientific name: Capra aegagrus hircus
  • Adult Weight: 35-60 lbs
  • Adult Length: 35-40in & 15-20 in tall
  • Life Span: 10 to 12 years

Pygmy goats have fun, lovable, and intelligent attitudes. It’s not surprising they can be house broke and one of the easiest of the goats breeds to train. Pygmy goats can learn to go outside and on pads in the home. Pad training is helpful when you’re not able to get to them right away.

Time and patience, and you’ll have your goat going outside in no time! With their naturally curious and fun personality, you’ll love watching what your goat gets into next!

Pygmy Goat facts:

  • Pygmy Goats are mainly owned as pets because of their size, intelligence, and playful personalities
  • They originated in Africa
  • Pygmy Goats are remarkable climbers
  • They can also learn tricks
  • Pygmy Goats are not big grass eaters

6. Hedgehogs

  • Scientific name: Erinaceinae
  • Adult Weight: 1- 3 lbs
  • Adult Length: 5- 12 in
  • Life Span: 2-5 years
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Hedgehogs have a great temperament, being cheerful, calm, and playful. It’s not surprising they are growing in popularity. These little packages of sweetness do come with a learning curve due to having unique needs, but once you learn, they are rather easy to care for.

Hedgehogs are very smart and can be successfully house-trained. A little work goes a long way with these heart-warming little critters.

Hedgehog facts:

  • They have an excellent sense of smell, but they have poor eyesight
  • Nocturnal
  • Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant
  • a baby hedgehog is called a hoglet!

7 . Flemish Giant Rabbits

  • Scientific name: Oryctolagus cuniculus
  • Adult Weight: 15 lbs
  • Adult Length: 2-3 Ft
  • Life Span: 8 to 10 year

All rabbits can be house trained, but these beautiful giants with an easy-going temperament that closely resembles that of a dog, their large cuddly size, and the fact that they can be easily potty-trained make these animals a unique pet indeed. Rabbits are sweet-natured, curious little creatures who make exceptional pets.

Whether you want the Flemish Giant Rabbit or would like to stick with a smaller species of rabbit, you’ll be happy with these lovable long-eared beauties.

Flemish Giant Rabbit facts:

  • Flemish Giant Rabbits are the largest breed of rabbit
  • They come in seven different colors
  • Their hind legs are very strong

8. Skunks

Baby skunk in the grass
  • Scientific name: Mephitis mephitis
  • Adult Weight: 1 – 14lbs
  • Adult Length: 8- 19in
  • Life Span: 7 – 10 years

Yes, that’s right, I said Skunks! Skunks, despite their bad rep for being stinky can make excellent pets! They are very affectionate and full of love when raised in captivity. Skunks can be litter trained, preferably in a corner. Skunks come in last on the list of exotic pets that can be house trained because some skunks never get the hang of being house-broke.

These guys might take some work all around, but if you are up for the task, they can be rewarding companions. Learn some more interesting facts about skunks!

Skunk facts:

  • Skunks are nocturnal
  • They are great diggers
  • Capable of spraying up to 10ft away
  • They eat honey bees and wasps!
  • Skunks are immune to snake venom!