One of the largest members of the deer family is the moose. These mammals have brown hair, big antlers, and rounded snouts. They can be found across North America, and have been known to act quite aggressive. This mostly happens during mating season, or if a mother is protecting her young. Moose have various similarities that they share with other animals, whether they belong to the same family or just eat a similar diet. Check out the following 10 animals that are like moose, in one way or another.
10 Animals Like Moose
These 10 animals have some moose-like features there are. Some of them are also in the deer family, or just share a similar diet and appearance to these large animals.
1. Elk
- Scientific name: Cervus canadensis
- How are they like moose: also in the deer family, with large antlers, and found in similar regions
Just like moose, the elk is part of the deer family. They have a similar diet to moose, mostly grazing on foliage and vegetation. These animals can be found in the colder regions of North America, and are also spotted in Asia.
Elk have large antlers and light brown hair. Like moose, they have long hoofed legs.
2. Fallow Deer
- Scientific name: Dama dama
- How are they like moose: similar diets and appearances
Fallow deer, native to Turkey, can be recognized by the white spots present on the fawns of other deer species. They have large antlers, just like moose, and share a similar diet of grass and shrubbery.
These deer are quite smaller than moose, despite how large their antlers can get. Fallow deer have been introduced to some regions of Europe and Greece.
3. White Tail Deer
- Scientific name: Odocoileus virginianus
- How are they like moose: in the same family, with a similar diet and appearance
The white-tail deer is smaller than moose, but they do share a few physical features. Both of these animals have hooved feet and antlers on top of their heads.
They also have a similar diet consisting of grass, nuts, shrubbery, and other vegetation. White-tail deer are found in North America, most common in southeastern states like Georgia and Virginia.
4. American Bison
- Scientific name: Bison bison
- How are they like moose: they are a similar color and live in some of the same regions
The American bison can reach over 2,000 pounds as adults, and have a similar brownish coloring to moose. These animals can be found in the same regions of North America, and have a similar diet.
American bison are grazing animals, so they mostly eat grass. Moose will eat a range of vegetation and shrubbery, and even dive underwater for marine plants.
5. Red Deer
- Scientific name: Cervus elaphus
- How are they like moose: they share a similar diet and appearance
The red deer is one of the largest types of deer, but they still do not grow to be as large as moose. These deer have large antlers, and a diet of grass, shrubbery, and foliage.
Red deer are most common in regions of Africa, Asia, Iran, and Europe, but can also be found in some areas of Canada, the United States, Peru, New Zealand, and Australia. These animals prefer to be in herds of the same sex until the mating season starts. During this time, males will seek out multiple females to herd with.
6. Mule Deer
- Scientific name: Odocoileus hemionus
- How are they like moose: also in the deer family, with antlers and a similar diet
The mule deer can be found across North America, and the name comes from their big ears that resemble mule ears. Just like moose, these animals are in the deer family and have large antlers.
They also graze on grass as the biggest part of their diet. There are 10 different subspecies of mule deer found in the world.
7. Horse
- Scientific name: Equus caballus
- How are they like moose: similar sizes and diets
While horses do not belong in the same deer family as moose, they do share a bit in common with these large animals. Some types of horses can grow to be just as large as moose, and they rely on a similar diet of grass and vegetation.
Unlike moose, horses have been domesticated by people. They can be found in countries worldwide as companions, livestock, and show animals.
8. Marsh Deer
- Scientific name: Blastocerus dichotomus
- How are they like moose: in the same family, will also eat aquatic plants
Just like moose, marsh deer are known to swim in order to find aquatic vegetation. They will also feed on grass and other types of shrubbery. They are much smaller than moose, and only grow to be around 4 feet tall as adults.
Similar to moose, these animals do have antlers and belong to the deer family. Marsh deer can be found throughout South America.
9. Caribou
- Scientific name: Rangifer tarandus
- How are they like moose: they belong to the same family and regions, and share a similar diet
The Caribou can be found in many of the same cold regions as moose, share a similar diet, and belong to the deer family. They are also known as reindeer, and are capable of surviving harsh arctic habitats. Unlike moose that have dark brown hair, caribou have a lighter coloring that helps them blend in with snow.
When vegetation is scarce, caribou have been known to eat mice or fish. They have large antlers, like moose, and have been seen eating them in order to get calcium.
10. Tufted Deer
- Scientific name: Elaphodus cephalophus
- How are they like moose: in the deer family, and they have a similar diet
The tufted deer has a similar diet to the moose and is also in the deer family, but they do not have much else in common with their larger cousins. The tufted deer is much smaller than moose, and have more slender bodies. These animals are found in China, preferring mountainous forests, but are currently threatened by habitat loss.
Moose is one of the biggest members of the deer family, and there are ten animals found in the world that can be like them. These other animals share similar habitats and diets, and some just belong to the same family. is your #1 source for free information about all types of wildlife and exotic pets. We also share helpful tips and guides on a variety of topics related to animals and nature.