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11 Animals Like Pigs (Why They’re Similar)

Domestic pigs are an easily recognizable animal, often seen on farms as livestock. They are raised for meat in various countries around the world, but have also become a popular pet choice in some places. There are various types of animals like pigs from all over the world, we’re about to look at 11 examples.

11 Animals Like Pigs

The 11 animals on this list are some of the animals that can be most like domestic pigs, whether it is for their appearance or the connection they have with humans.

1. Goats

Goat eats fresh grass | Image by svklimkin from Pixabay
  • Scientific name: Capra 
  • How are they like pigs: They are also farm animals raised for meat.

Many goats are commonly raised as farm animals, similar to domestic pigs. They can have been used for milk, meat, and wool. Similar to pigs, they also have short hooved legs.

Domesticated goats can be found in multiple countries, including America, Europe, China, and Great Britain. Sometimes these animals are also kept as pets. Then of course you have wild goats, like mountain goats which occur across America in mountainous habitats.

2. Sheep

Group of sheep in the grass field
Group of Sheep in the grass field | image by Katriona McCarthy via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Ovis aries
  • How are they like pigs: Both are common farm animals.

Sheep and pigs are common livestock animals, raised on farms for their hide and meat. While pigs are usually used as a food source, sheep are often raised for their wool.

However, they are also frequently raised for meat as well. Both of these animals have short legs and hooved feet. They are similar in size, but sheep can be a little taller.

3. Wild Hog

Wild Hog in wetlands
Wild Hog in wetlands | image by NasserHalaweh via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Scientific name: Sus scrofa
  • How are they like pigs: They have a similar appearance and are in the pig family.

Wild hogs are part of the pig family and can be found in regions across the United States. They are most common in the states of Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Adult wild hogs have tusks that allow them to forage for food, and defend themselves against predators. They usually grow to be larger than domestic pigs and are known for how aggressive they can be. In regions where they are common, they can be considered a pest species and cause extensive damage.

4. Horses

Adult Horse showing its healthy body
Adult Horse showing its healthy body | image by isamiga76 via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Equus caballus
  • How are they like pigs: They are also domesticated farm animals.

Horses are also common domestic animals seen on farms, but they are not used for meat the way pigs are. Instead, these animals are raised to be companions or even competitors in shows. Various types of domestic horses can be found worldwide.

5. Cow

Cows roaming in the grass field
Cows roaming in the grass field | image by steve p2008 via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Bos taurus
  • How are they like pigs: Both are livestock animals raised for meat.
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Cows are one of the most common livestock animals, raised for meat just like domestic pigs. These animals are also raised for their hides and milk.

Pigs and cows can live on the same farm, and both are hooved animals. Just like pigs, cows can be found in various countries around the world.

6. Razorback Boar

Razorback Boar foraging
Razorback Boar foraging | image by Andreas Rockstein via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Sus scrofa
  • How are they like pigs: Similar appearances.

One animal with a similar size and appearance to domestic pigs is the razorback boar. These animals are found throughout the Australian outback and southeastern regions of North America.

Along their back is a ridge of hair, and the trait they were named for. As adults, they can be 600 pounds and six feet long.

7. Llamas

Llama on scenic background
Llama on scenic background | Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
  • Scientific name: Lama Glama
  • How are they like pigs: Also raised as livestock animals.

Llamas are another animal raised by people for livestock, similar to pigs. While pigs are typically used for meat, llamas are raised for their wool.

These animals also have long legs, necks, and snouts. While llamas have also been domesticated as common farm animals, they do not share many physical features with pigs.

8. Donkeys

Donkey roaming in the grass field
Donkey roaming in the grass field | image by LHOON via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Equus asinus
  • How are they like pigs: Both are domesticated, hooved animals.

Donkeys are domesticated hooved animals found in multiple countries. These stocky animals have a similar build to pigs but will grow to be taller, with adults around 3 feet at their shoulders.

They also have long necks and long ears. Donkeys and pigs can easily be kept on the same farm together.

9. Warthogs

Warthog in the wild
Warthog in the wild | image by snarglebarf via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Phacochoerus africanus
  • How are they like pigs: They are in the pig family, and have similar appearances.

Warthogs are wild animals native to Africa, and in the pig family like common farm pigs. They have similar bodies to domestic pigs, but are usually a darker color with protruding tusks.

These animals also have coarse hair. If threatened, they will charge at predators. Warthogs mostly eat vegetation but have also been known to feed on birds and reptiles.

10. Eurasian Boar

Eurasian Boar inside the fence
Eurasian Boar inside the fence | image by Marie Hale via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Sus scrofa
  • How are they like pigs: Similar diets and appearances.

Eurasian boars can be found in regions of Asia, Africa, and Europe. These are some of the largest types of boars, with adults ranging from 250 to 350 pounds.

These animals have large tusks, and wide-ranging diets. They will eat similar food to domesticated pigs, including fruit, grass, and plants. These boars will also eat mice and other small mammals.

11. Javelina

Javelinas foraging
Javelinas foraging | image by tequilamike via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Tayassuidae
  • How are they like pigs: Similar appearances, also used for meat.
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The javelina has a similar appearance to domestic pigs, with sticky bodies and short hooved feet. They thrive in both dry and tropical regions, feeding on nuts, fruit, and vegetation.

In some regions, they are hunted and used for meat, similar to the way domestic pigs have been utilized for meat. These animals are native to South America and the western regions of the United States.


There are multiple animals around the world that can be like pigs, but this list features 11 of the most common. Some of them look like the domestic farm animal, while others serve a similar function to humans.