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34 Interesting Facts About Leopard Geckos

Leopard Geckos are among the most popular pet reptiles for beginners. They’re fairly docile and easy to handle, somewhat low-maintenance, and beautiful animals. In this article we’re going to learn 34 interesting facts about Leopard Geckos, and answer some commonly asked questions.

Let’s get started by answering some basic questions that beginners might have about Leopard Geckos!

General and beginner facts about Leopard Geckos

image: Pixabay.com

1. Are leopard geckos friendly?

Leopard geckos have a very calm temperament, making them excellent pets for the whole family.

2. How long do leopard geckos live?

Leopard Geckos live 15-20 years or even longer!

3. Do leopard Geckos die easily?

If their life spans didn’t give them away, these little critters are very hardy. They do not die easily.

4. Can you let a leopard gecko roam your house?

A Leopard gecko can roam a room with supervision, but they should not be allowed to wander your house freely, they are much too small, too fast, and it would be far too dangerous for them.

5. Do leopard geckos bond with their owners?

Leopard geckos can not bond in the same way a dog does, but they can snuggle up next to you, and this is a way of saying, “Hey, I know you are safe, and I feel comfortable with you.” It’s a compliment.

6. Do leopard geckos do good in pairs?

Leopard geckos are, for the most part, solitary animals. Some reptile owners say females can stay housed together, or a male and female can stay housed together. Others say it’s never worth the chance. One thing the animal community does agree males should never be housed together under no circumstances do their territorial nature.

7. Can a leopard gecko die from stress?

No, a leopard gecko can not die from stress, but they can die of complications due to stress. Stress can cause them to stop eating, and it can weaken their immune system allowing for colds to take hold. It is always important to check on your Leo and their husbandry daily.

8. How often should I handle my leopard gecko?

You can handle your Leopard gecko every other day for short periods, around 20-30 minutes at a time.

Facts about baby Leopard Geckos

9. How often does a baby leopard gecko eat?

A baby leopard gecko needs to eat 5-7 appropriately sized insects while they are babies.

10. What size tank does a baby leopard gecko need?

A baby leopard gecko needs a minimum tank size of 10 gallons.

11. How often can you handle a baby leopard gecko?

Leopard geckos are very nervous. When you first start handling your gecko, start by only holding them every few days for only about 5 minutes at a time. As they grow, you will slowly increase this time to about 20 minutes, and every other day.

12. Can a baby leopard gecko drop its tail?

Leopard geckos, babies, and adults can drop their tails if they become frightened, if it becomes stuck, or due to illness.

13. What do I do if my baby drops its tail?

Leopard geckos are usually very capable of dealing with a dropped tail on their own. There are a few things you can do to ensure a quick and healthy recovery.

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Remove all bedding during the healing process and replace it with paper towels. Increasing their food intake during this time is ok since they won’t have access to their usual fat storage. Keep their tank clean at all times and keep an eye out for infection, calling a vet at first signs of distress.

Your baby’s tail will grow back quickly within 30 days. It’s also worth noting that Leopard geckos are one of the fastest lizards at tail regeneration.

Leopard Gecko habitat

Leopard Gecko – Jessi Swick | Flickr | CC 2.0

14. What do leopard geckos need in their tank?

Leopard geckos need at least three hides; one for the cool end, warm end, and a humid hide. They will need a water dish, food dish, reptile carpet, or some form of substrate if you choose.

Leopard geckos also need a heat source, like a heating UTH (under tank heating pad)

15. How often should you clean your leopard geckos tank?

Spot clean your leopard geckos tank daily and weekly substrate cleaning. Deep clean once a month, cleaning all hides and decor with soap and water.

16. What should my leopard geckos tank temperature be?

Leopard geckos tanks should have a warm side set between 85-90 degrees F and a cooler side of 75-80 degrees F. through the night, a leopard geckos temp can drop in the low 60’s, and they will be fine.

17. Do leopard geckos need a heat lamp?

Leopard geckos do not need a heat lamp but should have a heating pad. They do not bask, so a heat lamp is not necessary. They do require lighting. A light sitting next to their tank would be acceptable for this.

Leopard Gecko shedding

18. Do leopard geckos shed their skin?

Yes, leopard geckos do shed their skin. They will shed weekly or every couple of weeks as juveniles and shed about once a month as adults.

19. Should I help my leopard gecko shed?

You should only help your leopard gecko shed if it is visibly struggling to shed and hasn’t been able to remove it fully themselves. A retained shed can hurt your leopard gecko if not dealt with. You can help by misting your Leo and gently rubbing the shed off. Never pull it off and especially not without moisture.

20. Should you feed your leopard gecko while they’re in a shed?

There is nothing wrong with offering your Leo food during a shed. If they refuse to eat, that is perfectly normal too. Some will still have an appetite, while others will lose it till after the shedding process has finished.

21. Can you hold your leopard gecko while it’s shedding?

Shedding can be a very stressful time for your leopard gecko. It’s best to leave your Leo be till after shedding is complete. You don’t want a cranky gecko on your hands.

22. Is shedding painful for your leopard gecko?

Shedding is not painful for a leopard gecko. It is a normal process. It’s more of an annoyance, if anything, and your gecko may want space till they have completed their shed.

Stuck shed, however, can be painful. It can restrict blood flow to their toes, tails eventually causing them to lose toes if not caught in time.

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23. Should I spray my leopard gecko with water?

Yes, you can spray your leopard gecko with water and their enclosure lightly a couple of times a week. They do need higher humidity when shedding. You can add a humidity hide to help with this.

Feeding Leopard Geckos

24. What do leopard geckos eat?

Leo’s are insectivores. They are on a 100% insect diet. They can eat a wide variety of foods. Mealworms, crickets, and Dubai roaches are all considered staples.

25. Do leopard geckos eat cockroaches?

Leopard geckos not only can eat cockroaches, but they enjoy them quite a bit, and Dubai roaches are a staple food.

26. Can leopard geckos eat fruit?

Leopard geckos are insectivores and do not eat fruit. They like food that moves.

27. What is that white stuff in my leopard gecko poop?

The white stuff in your gecko’s poop is called urate, and it’s a reptile’s version of pee.

Leopard Gecko behavior and features

Leopard Gecko | Pixabay.com

28. What does it mean when your leopard gecko licks?

A leopard gecko smells with its tongue. So when your Leo licks, they are becoming familiar with their surroundings.

29. Why do leopard geckos shake their tails?

Leopard gecko do shake their tails, and it’s rather cute, although the reason is not always cute.

A leopard gecko will shake its tail for various reasons. They will shake their tails when they are excited and hunting, a male will shake his tail during mating season, but sometimes a gecko is shaking it because it is going on the defensive, and they are nervous or scared.

They do this in the wild to draw predators attention to their tail, so when the predator goes to attack, they’ll go for the tail, and the leopard gecko can drop it and run, getting away from danger.

30. Do female leopard geckos lay eggs without mating?

Yes, leopard geckos can lay infertile eggs. Infertile eggs will eventually go moldy.

31. Why is my leopard gecko digging?

Digging is a normal behavior for Leopard geckos. They will do this to get cooler or when they’re looking for food. You may have noticed.

32. Why do geckos have holes in their heads?

The holes in the side of a Leopard Geckos head are actually their ears.

33. What are leopard gecko armpit bubbles?

You may have noticed bubbles under your gecko’s armpits. These bubbles are perfectly normal and considered a positive thing. Reptile breeders believe it means your Leo is happy and healthy.

34. Do leopard geckos sleep a lot?

Leopard geckos are nocturnal, so they will sleep all day and be active at night because they are active in the evening hours, it might seem like you Leo sleeps all the time, but you are sleeping when all the action is going on.