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12 Different Animals Like Coyotes (Pictures)

Coyotes are common in North America and are known for their howling calls. There are many other animals like coyotes in a number of ways, not always in appearance. They are often mistaken for wolves, but they are much smaller than wolves. Coyotes are predators and scavengers and can be very adaptable to different environments. In this blog post, we will explore some of these animals and learn more about them!

12 Animas Like Coyotes

There are many animals like coyotes, depending on your point of view. From the way they look to the way they act, the following animals have things in common with coyotes. Below are 12 animals like coyotes:

1. Red Fox

Fox under the tree
Fox under the tree by Melissa Ellis from Pixabay

Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes

One of the most similar animals to coyotes is the red fox. Red foxes are also common in North America and are known for their reddish fur. Like coyotes, they are predators and scavengers and can be very adaptable to different environments.

They are also similar in size to coyotes, although they typically have a more slender build. Red foxes are known for being very cunning and sly, which is another trait they share with coyotes. They are also both skilled hunters that use their agility and speed to catch their prey.

Fun fact: Red foxes are monogamous and only mate with one partner throughout their lives.

2. Gray Wolves

Gray Wolf
Gray Wolf | Image by keyouest from Pixabay

Scientific Name: Canis lupus

The gray wolf is the largest member of the canid family. It is native to Eurasia and North America, where it has been highly persecuted by humans. Despite this, gray wolves are still common in many parts of the world.

They play an important role in the ecosystems they inhabit, and are often considered keystone species, and they help to maintain the balance of their ecosystems. Gray wolves are the most similar to coyotes in terms of size and appearance.

They are also both social animals that live in packs. Gray wolves typically hunt larger prey than coyotes, but they will also scavenge when necessary.

Fun Fact: Gray wolves can go up to 14 days without eating.

3. The African Wild Dog

African wild dog
African Wild Dog | image by Bernard Dupont via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0

Scientific name: Lycaon pictus

The African wild dog, also known as Africa’s largest wild dog, lives in Sub-Saharan Africa, with East Africa (Tanzania) and South Africa (Mozambique) hosting the largest population of this animal. The African wild dog is also considered the most vulnerable, weak, and powerless mammal in the world.

Like coyotes, African wild dogs are predators and scavengers. They live in packs and cooperate when hunting. They are also very social animals, living in close-knit family groups of 10 to 40 members. African wild dogs are similar in size to coyotes, although they have a more slender build.

Fun Fact: The African wild dog can run up to 44 miles per hour!

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4. Racoon Dogs

Racoon dog looking in front direction
Racoon dog looking in front direction | image by Dennis Irrgang via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.0

Scientific name: Nyctereutes procyonoides

Raccoon dogs are native to East Asia, where they are widely distributed. They have also been introduced to some parts of Europe, where they are considered an invasive species. Raccoon dogs are small animals that resemble raccoons, hence their name.

However, they are actually members of the canid family and are more closely related to wolves and dogs than they are to raccoons. Raccoon dogs are similar to coyotes in that they are opportunistic feeders that will eat just about anything.

They are also very adaptable animals that can live in a variety of different habitats, such as forests, grasslands, and even urban areas.

Fun Fact: Raccoon dogs are the only canids that hibernate.

5. Fennec Fox

Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox | image by arwen_cz via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Scientific name: Vulpes zerda

The fennec fox is the smallest member of the canid family. It is native to the Sahara Desert in North Africa, where it has adapted to living in a hot, dry environment. The fennec fox is easily recognizable thanks to its large ears, which help to dissipate heat.

Both fennec foxes and coyotes are nocturnal animals, with fennec foxes hiding in desert sand burrows during the day to avoid the heat while coyotes rest.

Both animals are skilled hunters and use their keen sense of hearing to locate their prey. However, fennec foxes are much smaller than coyotes, but they make up for it with their speed and agility.

Fun Fact: Fennec foxes communicate with each other using chatters, growls, shrieks, bark, and squeaks.

6. Maned Wolf

Maned wolf
Maned wolf | Image by Gerhard from Pixabay

Scientific name: Chrysocyon brachyurus

The maned wolf is the largest canid in South America. It is found in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. The maned wolf gets its name from the long hair on its neck and back, which resembles a mane.

It also has long legs, which help it to run fast and jump high. Maned wolves are similar to coyotes in that they are both omnivores. They will eat anything they find, with their diets consisting of fruits, vegetables, and insects.

Maned wolves are also social animals that live in packs. However, they are not as closely related to coyotes as other canids on this list.

Fun Fact: Maned wolves mark their territory by urinating on bushes and trees to spread their body odor.

7. Arctic Fox

Arctic foxes
Arctic foxes David Mark from Pixabay

Scientific name: Vulpes lagopus

The arctic fox is a small canid native to the Arctic regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. It is well-adapted to living in cold environments and has a thick coat of fur that keeps it warm in cold environments. The arctic fox is primarily white in color, although its coat can range from pale gray to brown in the summer months.

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Both Arctic foxes and coyotes are predators and they hunt alone or in pairs. Both animals will eat just about anything, including lemmings, voles, birds, and even arctic hares. They may live in different parts of the world, but they have a few things in common.

Fun Fact: Arctic foxes can change the color of their fur from white to brown based on the season to blend in with their surroundings.

8. Culpeo

Culpeo posing to attack
Culpeo posing for an attack | image by Greg Schechter via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Scientific name: Lycalopex culpaeus

The culpeo, also known as the Andean fox or zorro culpeo, is a canid native to the Andes mountains of South America. It looks similar to a fox but with a reddish-brown coat of fur. The culpeo is the largest member of the Lycalopex genus and can grow to be about twice the size of a coyote.

However, they’re pretty similar to coyotes in their behavior and diet. Both animals are opportunistic predators and scavengers, eating whatever they can find from rabbits, rodents, and even carrion.

They also eat fruit and plants on occasion. Culpeos have been known to attack sheep and other livestock, earning them a reputation as pests in some areas.

Fun fact: Culpeos communicate with each other through postures, body scents, and physical cues.

9. Pampas Fox

Pampas Fox trying to escape
Pampas Fox trying to escape | image by Cláudio Dias Timm via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 2.0

Scientific name: Lycalopex gymnocercus

The Pampas fox is a small canid native to the grasslands of South America. The Pampas fox is similar in appearance to the coyote, with both species sporting rust-colored fur and black hints on their backs and legs. However, the Pampas fox is slightly smaller than the coyote, with a narrower snout and longer ears.

Additionally, while coyotes are found throughout North and Central America, the Pampas fox is ONLY found in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and southern Brazil. In terms of behavior, Pampas foxes are primarily nocturnal animals that live solitary lives.

However, they will occasionally hunt in pairs or small groups in order to take down larger prey. Like coyotes, Pampas foxes are intelligent and adaptable animals that have learned to thrive in human-altered habitats. As a result, they can often be seen scavenging for food in urban areas or preying on livestock in rural areas.

Fun fact: When threatened, pampas foxes often roll aside, stiffen their bodies, close their eyes and act dead.

10. Darwin’s Fox

Darwin's fox
Darwin’s fox by minka2507 from Pixabay

Scientific name: Lycalopex fulvipes

Darwin’s fox is a small canid found in the forest of Nahuel Huapi National Park in Argentina. The species is named after English naturalist Charles Darwin and is closely related to the culpeo fox, which is found in Chile. Both species are similar in appearance to the coyote, with reddish-brown fur and black legs.

However, Darwin’s fox is smaller than the coyote, with a shorter snout and rounder ears. The species is also endangered, with an estimated population of fewer than 639 individuals. Darwin’s fox is also closely related to the American coyote.

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The two species share a common ancestor, and DNA analysis has shown that they are more closely related to each other than either is to the culpeo fox. The similarities between Darwin’s fox and the coyote are likely due to convergent evolution, as both species have adapted to living in similar environments.

Fun Fact: Darwin’s fox is endangered because people hunted it for its shiny fur.

11. Coy Wolf

Western Coywolf hybrid
Western Coywolf hybrid | image by L. David Mech mail via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 3.0

Scientific name: Canis latrans x Canis lupus

Coywolves are coyote-dog hybrids that exist in the Eastern United States and Canada. These animals are about the same size as a medium-sized dog and have many of the same characteristics as coyotes, including their cunning nature and high intelligence.

However, coywolves are not as shy or fearful of humans as coyotes typically are, which makes them more dangerous. They are also more likely to hunt in packs than coyotes and have been known to take down deer, which is much larger prey than what coyotes typically go for.

In terms of appearance, coywolves are usually gray or brown with yellow eyes.

Fun fact: Coywolves are relatively new animals, with the first documented hybridization occurring in the 1920s.

12. Crab-eating Fox

Crab eating Fox looking at the camera
Crab-eating Fox looking at the camera | image by Tambako The Jaguar via Flickr | CC BY-ND 2.0

Scientific Name: Cerdocyon thous

The crab-eating fox is a canid native to South America. It is the largest fox in its range and has been known to reach weights of up to 15 pounds. The crab-eating Fox is reddish brown in color, with a lighter belly and a black tail tip.

It feeds primarily on crabs but will also eat rodents, birds, and fruits. The crab-eating fox is found in Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, and Argentina.

Like coyotes, crab-eating foxes are opportunistic feeders and will eat whatever is available to them. They will also use their long snouts and sharp claws to dig into the mud for their prey.

Fun Fact: These foxes raise their tails when excited.