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7 Snakes That Eat Frogs (With Pictures)

Snakes can have wide-ranging diets that include everything from deer-sized mammals to large rodents to small insects. There are also various types of snakes that eat frogs. Some of these species are found across North America, with others found in other parts of the world. Here are just 7 random examples with some interesting facts about each one!

Photo collage snakes that eat frogs

7 Snakes That Eat Frogs

These are seven well-known snake species. They are known for feeding on anything they can catch and swallow… including frogs and other types of amphibians.

1. Northern Water Snake

Northern water snake at rest
Northern water snake at rest | image by Peter Paplanus via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Nerodia sipedon
  • Range: North America
  • Diet: frogs, fish, crickets

The Northern water snake can be commonly found throughout the United States, and other regions of North America. Due to the fact that these snakes live near bodies of water, frogs have become a large part of their diet. These snakes will also feed on tadpoles, fish, crickets, and spiders.

Northern water snakes are usually found in ponds and slow-moving water. They can be aggressive and are likely to bite if threatened or handled. More advanced pet snake owners have been known to keep these water snakes. They are most active during warm seasons, and will hibernate during the winter.

2. Garter Snake

Common garter snake
Common garter snake | image by Greg Schechter via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Thamnophis
  • Range: North America, Central America
  • Diet: frogs, crickets, worms, spiders

Garter snakes are a common snake found in various regions of the United States. They can be frequently found in yards and gardens, and have even become a popular type of pet snake. They are relatively docile, and unlikely to bite people.

If they do, these bites are pretty harmless to humans. In the wild and captivity, garter snakes can eat small frogs, tadpoles, spiders, and worms. There are several species of garter snakes, and most of them have striped patterns.

In addition to North America, they can also be spotted in Central America.

3. Western Hognose Snake

Western Hognose Snake in an aquarium
A Western Hognose Snake in an aquarium | image by Heather Paul via Flickr | CC BY-ND 2.0
  • Scientific name: Heterodon nasicus
  • Range: North America
  • Diet: frogs, mice, insects

Western Hognose snakes can be found in warm regions across North American, from Canada to Mexico. They can reach up to two feet long as adults, and have a wide ranging diet depending on if they are found in the wild or in captivity.

They will prey on frogs, toads, lizards, insects, and eggs. Western Hognose snakes burrow under soil for shelter, and have been known to pretend to die if threatened.

However, eastern Hognoses are more likely to do this, while the western Hognose prefers to let out a loud hiss to scare off predators.

4. Ring-necked Snake

Ring-necked snake
Ring-necked-Snake | image by California Department of Fish and Wildlife via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Diadophis punctatus
  • Range: Eastern North America
  • Diet: frogs, salamanders, insects
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The ring-necked snake is a small snake known to feed on small frogs, lizards, insects, and earthworms. This snake is common along the eastern United States, and can be found in regions of Canada and Mexico as well. They have bright orange bellies that they will display in an attempt to scare off predators if threatened.

This snake prefers to live in wooded habitats, and will seek shelter under logs, leaves, or other debris. While these snakes are common, these snakes are non venomous and do not pose any threat to people. As adults, they are about 15 inches long.

5. Central Asian Pit Viper

Central Asian pit viper
Central Asian pit viper | image by NickLongrich via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Scientific name: Gloydius intermedius
  • Range: Asia
  • Diet: frogs, toads, insects.

The Central Asian pit viper is found in woodlands and grasslands across Asia. These venomous snakes are known by multiple common names including Mongolian pit viper, Amur viper, Asiatic pit viper, and Asian Viper. While these snakes may retreat when faced with people, they can also be aggressive and strike out.

Their venom can be dangerous, and bites will likely need medical attention. Central Asian pit vipers have stocky bodies, and adults can be anywhere from 15 to 30 inches long. They have a wide ranging diet that includes frogs, toads, lizards, and bugs.

6. Amazon Tree Boa

Amazon tree boa
An Amazon tree boa | image by Jo Naylor via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Corallus hortulanus
  • Range: Amazon rainforest
  • Diet: frogs, birds, rodents, insects

Amazon tree boas are known to be aggressive snakes, and will cool up and strike when threatened. These snakes have long front teeth that help them hold on to whatever prey they set after. Amazon tree boas will eat birds, frogs, insects, bats, and rodents.

As the name suggests, these animals are found in the Amazon rainforest. They will hunt during the night and day, and hang from tree branches to look for and strike prey. This snake and the next one aren’t really what you’d think of when you think of snakes that eat frogs, but some small subspecies and babies will eat anything they can catch.

7. Python

Burmese python on tree
Burmese python on tree | image by Everglades National Park via Flickr
  • Scientific name: Pythonidae
  • Range: Africa
  • Diet: frogs, rodents, birds, insects

Pythons are some of the largest species of snakes in the world, and can be found across the rainforest regions of Africa. These snakes also thrive in swamps, woodlands, and grasslands. Pythons are non venomous snakes known for having strong muscles used to help them subdue prey.

They can range in size from just a few feet long to around 33 feet long. Pythons hold onto branches with their tails, similar to boas, and prefer to live in trees. They are opportunistic eaters and these snakes will feed on rodents, frogs, birds, and other vertebrates.

Some small breeds of pythons, like the ball python, have become very popular pets.

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While snakes are known for eating mice and rats, there are plenty of snakes that have made frogs a major part of their diets. These animals range from water snakes to pythons and boas.