We all know that insects can imitate various things, including leaves, other animals, and even plant twigs. But, there are also Insects that look like flowers that may be unfamiliar to many people. These flower-impersonating insects can be found worldwide and have an amazing way of surviving in the wild. They inhabit both tropical and temperate climates, as well as forests, deserts, and grasslands. In this article, we’ve listed 10 of the amazing insects from all over the world that have the ability to look like flowers.
10 Insects that look like flowers
1. Orchid mantis
Scientific Name: Hymenopus coronatus
The Orchid mantis is a fascinating creature that has evolved to mimic flowers in order to hide from predators. This insect has an amazing ability to blend in and appear to be a part of the orchid flowers it’s sitting on.
They’re typically pinkish-white in color, but can change depending on the flowers found in their habitat. These mantes have four legs that resemble flower petals and use them to entice their prey.
When an insect lands on the flower, the orchid mantis will take the opportunity to grab it and consume it. Females are typically larger than males and can grow to be up to 2 inches long.
2. Camouflaged looper
Scientific Name: Synchlora aerata
Camouflaged loopers are a type of insect found in North America. It lives on flowers and has a unique way of hiding from predators.
To avoid being seen by their predators, these insects attach chucks or debris of flower petals to their bodies. In this manner, they won’t be easy to spot because they closely resemble the flower they’re seated on.
They’re usually found in pastures, old fields, and along roadsides, feeding on sunflower family plants such as coneflowers, blazing stars, goldenrods, and asters. The adult moths of this species have green wings with white wavy lines.
3. Devil’s flower mantis
Scientific Name: Idolomantis diabolica
The devil’s flower mantis is a praying mantis species native to Africa, specifically Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Malawi. These lovely insects are well-known for their unusual ability to ward off predators by striking a dancing pose.
During hunting, however, they would stand still and impersonate a flower on a branch, waiting for its prey. Their prey is typically flies, moths, butterflies, and beetles, which are insects attracted to flowers. Males are larger than females and can grow to be 3.9 inches long.
4. Orange tip butterfly
Scientific Name: Anthocharis cardamines
The orange tip is a common butterfly in the UK and can be found in damp habitats. They can be found fluttering around flowery meadows or woods, but they can also be found near hedges or gardens.
The orange tip butterfly is named after the orange tips on its wings. It has a wingspan of about 2.5 inches and feeds on nectar from various flowers.
Because of the color of their undersides, they blend in very well with these flowers. When at rest, the butterfly’s white and green underside wings are visible, making it appear to be a part of small white flowers like cow parsley.
5. African flower mantis
Scientific Name: Pseudocreobotra ocellata
The African flower mantis is a lovely insect that can be found throughout Africa. The ability to blend in with flowers helps these solitary insects survive in the wild.
This flower mantis feeds primarily on spiders and insects that feed on flowers, such as bees and butterflies. Their ability to imitate flowers allows them to hunt their prey effectively. They also use the eyespots on their wings to frighten off predators and avoid being eaten.
6. Gray hairstreak larva
Scientific Name: Strymon melinus
The gray hairstreak larva is a lovely little caterpillar native to North America. They’re not restricted to a single habitat and can be found almost anywhere, including forests, gardens, meadows, crop fields, and roadsides. These caterpillars feed on the flowers and fruits of various plant species.
They’re typically purplish-white, pink, or reddish-brown in color, with short hair covering their entire body. These distinct colors enable them to blend in with flowers of the same color to avoid predators in the area.
7. Banded flower mantis
Scientific Name: Theopropus elegans
The banded flower mantis is another flower-like insect found in Southeast Asia. The red and black coloring of these mantis nymphs aids in their ability to imitate ants. As they mature, they turn green with white spots and orange hindwings.
However, this unusual mantis can change color in just a week. This ability allows them to imitate the flowers and plants that grow in their environment in order to hunt their prey. They eat flies and other small insects that come into contact with them.
8. Tangerine furry legs
Scientific Name: Acraga moorei
Tangerine furry legs are a butterfly species that has evolved a unique way of camouflaging on flowers. Their orange fuzz-covered legs match the color spectrum of the flower they land on. This makes it more difficult for predators to detect them because they can better blend in with their surroundings.
Tangerine furry legs are mostly found in tropical moist, and wet forests. They eat coffee and loquat plants, which have reddish-orange flowers with a fuzzy appearance that helps this moth blend in. These butterflies can also be seen flying all year.
9. Pink katydids
Scientific Name: Amblycorypha oblongifolia
Pink katydids are small insects that live in North American forests. They’re distinguished by their bright pink coloration, as opposed to the common ones, which are green. These katydids have an oblong shape that resembles a flower petal, which helps them blend in with the flowers.
They either developed this color as a result of a genetic mutation or as a result of their diet. Pink katydids consume a wide range of leaves and flowers, including oaks and grasses. You’ll frequently see them in cities, forests, and woodlands.
10. Spiny flower mantis
Scientific Name: Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii
This small flower mantis species is common in Africa, where you can find it in areas with 60% humidity. They primarily feed on flying insects and spiders and have an unusual method of luring them.
The spiny flower mantis is so named because of the spiny structures on its abdomen. Their colors range from green to yellow, red, and pink. This makes them an excellent mimic of flowers, waiting for flying insects to be drawn to them. Just like other flower mantises, they also have eyespots on their wings to scare off their predators.
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