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10 Animals Like Skunks (How They’re Similar)

Skunks are among the most intriguing and well-known mammals due to their capacity to release an unpleasant odor when in danger. This is made possible by two glands near the anus, which can spray a mist of chemicals up to 15 feet away.

While skunks are not related to any other animals because they belong to a distinct Family, Mephitidae, they do have a few distinguishing characteristics that make them similar to other animals.

So, if you’re interested in learning more about animals like skunks, keep reading!

Animals like skunks

In this article, we’ll look at ten animals with some characteristics similar to skunks.

1. Striped Polecat

Why Striped Polecats are like skunks: Both skunks and striped polecats are well-known for their powerful odor glands.

The striped polecat is a small, short-haired skunk that is native to Asia, Europe, and Africa. They have a long, pointed muzzle and a tail that is longer than the body. Because of their habit of digging holes in cultivation fields, they are considered pests in some parts of their range.

These animals resemble skunks in both appearance and behavior: they have a black stripe on their back that matches the skunk’s stripe, and they emit an odor when threatened or startled.

2. Otters

river otter

Why Otters are like skunks: Both otters and skunks are mostly active during the night.

Otters are aquatic mammals that can be found all over the world in rivers, lakes, and oceans. North America, a large portion of Asia, Australia, and Africa is where you can find them. They belong to the class of animals known as carnivores, and they typically eat fish, shrimp, crabs, clams, mussels, frogs, and occasionally small rodents.

Otters are among the creatures that resemble skunks in that they are both nocturnal—that is, they are active at night. They both have excellent low-light vision and hearing, allowing them to see and hear their prey moving around at night.

3. Honey Badgers

photo by Derek Keats via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Why Honey Badgers are like skunks: Both have snakes in their diets and are immune to snake venom.

A honey badger is a small omnivorous mammal. They are native to Africa and parts of Asia and can also be found in Southern Europe. The thick skin of honey badgers is well known for its resistance to stings from bees, scorpions, and snakes. Honey badgers also have powerful jaws that can crush bones, making them a formidable predators.

Both honey badgers and skunks have a type of blood that makes them immune to venom. They have enzymes in their blood that neutralize the enzymes found in venom. This allows the venom to pass through them, causing no harm!

4. Least Weasel

least weasel
least weasel | image by Bering Land Bridge National Preserve via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Why Least Weasels are like skunks: They are similar because they both use their stink glands as a defense mechanism.

The least weasel is a carnivorous mammal found in Europe, Asia, and North America. They belong to the Mustelidae family and are related to skunks.

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The least weasel, like other mustelids, has scent glands near its anus that produce a foul odor when it feels threatened by predators or humans invading its territory.

This odor can be so strong that some people have reported temporary blindness or vomiting due to exposure to it without any protection, such as thick gloves or face masks!

5. Hedgehogs

Why Hedgehogs are like skunks: Skunks and hedgehogs are both resistant to the venom of snakes.

A hedgehog is a small mammal found in Europe, Africa, and Asia. It has a triangular body with long ears and a spiky hair coat to keep predators at bay. Hedgehogs are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night and sleep during the day. They consume bugs, worms, snails, and other invertebrates found in their environment.

Similar to skunks, hedgehogs are resistant to snake venom. Snake venom cannot cause severe illness or death to these animals because they have developed a defense against it, making them immune to it.

6. Wolverines

wolverine by Andrea Bohl from Pixabay

Why Wolverines are like skunks: Wolverines are similar to skunks because they both have a stinky scent gland.

Wolverines are also weasels, and they are the largest members of that family in North America. They have brown fur with white markings, and their tails have black tips. Wolverines are solitary animals, which means they do not live in groups or families like other animals.

Wolverines and skunks are similar in that they both have a musk gland and use it to defend themselves. A skunk’s musk is used to defend against predators, whereas the musk of a wolverine is used to mark territory, communicate with other wolverines, and intimidate potential enemies.

7. Mongoose

common dwarf mongoose | image by Michael Jansen via Flickr | CC BY-ND 2.0

Why Mongooses are like skunks: Mongooses and skunks are both immune to snake venom.

Mongooses are small mammals from Africa and Asia. They are distinguished by their long, bushy tails, and the fact that they are immune to the snake venom they consume regularly. Because of its unique genetic makeup, it can consume snake poison without being harmed.

Skunks also have this same defense mechanism. Skunks eat snakes as well, so their bodies developed an immunity to the venom of snakes to protect them against harm.

8. Stink badgers

Why Stink badgers are like skunks: Stink badgers are like skunks because they both have glands that produce a foul smell. They also both have short tails, short legs, and short bodies.

The stink badger is a small mammal native to Africa and Europe. Polecats, honey badgers, and simply badgers are other names for them. They are mostly black with short hair and long claws.

Stink badgers are similar to skunks because they both have glands that produce a foul-smelling liquid. Both also live underground in burrows to protect themselves from predators, but stink badgers can dig into soft soil much faster than skunks can dig into hard ground.

9. Raccoons

Raccoons David Mark from Pixabay
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Why Raccoons are like skunks: Skunks and raccoons are nocturnal animals.

Raccoons are a type of mammal native to North America. They can also be found in parts of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and Canada. They have five toes on each foot, can stand on their hind legs to reach for food or spot predators, have long tails, and large black eyes that glow red in the dark.

Both raccoons and skunks are nocturnal animals. This implies that they sleep during the day and wake up at night. To avoid predators during the day, they have evolved a unique adaptation: they can close their eyes and remain motionless for extended periods of time.

10. European Badger

badger european
European badger | Image by andy ballard from Pixabay

Why European Badgers are like skunks: They are both nocturnal animals who live in burrows.

The European Badger is a badger species native to Europe and parts of Asia. Their front feet have large claws that help them dig through soil and snow. They are solitary animals that only gather during mating season, which occurs between February and March each year, when males compete for females by fighting for access to them within their setts or burrows.

Skunks and European Badgers both live in burrows and are nocturnal animals. Their diets are also similar, consisting primarily of insects, grubs, earthworms, and mice. These animals can also dig their own burrows, but badgers occasionally use abandoned badger holes.