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14 Types of Wildflowers in Connecticut 

Connecticut has a variety of colorful wildflowers that attract pollinators and provide a bevy of colors and scents. Whether you stop and smell the mountain laurels or pick a vase of forget-me-nots, the native species of wildflower in the Constitution state are versatile, adaptable, and sure to brighten your day. 

This list will get you acquainted with well-known and easy to care for wildflowers in the state. You’ll learn what environments are best for wildflowers and what to especially avoid if you want to improve conditions for pollinators outside your house. 

14 Types of Wildflowers in Connecticut 

The state wildflower of Connecticut is the mountain laurel, which was added to the list of state symbols in 1907. It is a woody shrub that grows best in the foothills and ridges of the Appalachian mountains. It blooms in the spring and has bright white flowers. Each flower is shaped like a cup and has small lines of pink from the center to the petal’s outer edge.

There are more than just a few wildflowers in this northeastern state. Connecticut has some of the earliest settlement history in the United States. Many of its wildflowers were classified before other states were even explored. In fact, the first time the mountain laurel was mentioned in historical literature was as early as 1624! 

Continue reading to learn more about 14 species of wildflowers in Connecticut and where to find them. 

1. Mountain Laurel 

Mountain laurels flower
Mountain laurels flower | image by Judy Gallagher via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Kalmia latifolia 
  • Zone: 4 to 9  
  • Where to see: Northwestern Connecticut 
  • Bloom in: Spring and Summer 

The Mountain laurel is a classic emblem of the mountain springtime in the eastern United States. The dainty cup-shaped blossoms are stained pink and white and they contrast beautifully with the silvery wood and dark green leaves of the mountain laurel shrub. 

This bush forms thickets on forested slopes of mountains and ridges. The branches and trunks fork and twist, making high-quality habitat for small herbivores and adding aesthetic appeal. They tolerate shade yet thrive in full sun, too. 

2. American Vervain 

American vervain
American vervain | image by 阿橋 HQ via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Verbena hastata 
  • Zone: 3 to 9  
  • Where to see: Meadows / Stream Edges 
  • Bloom in: Summer through Fall 

The American vervain is a lavender wildflower that grows in open woodlands and plains areas. It prefers meadows, irrigation ditches, and moist landscapes where it has an abundant supply of water.

They are very popular among pollinators if you want to increase the number of butterflies and moths in your backyard. Herbal medicine manuals rely heavily on American vervain to treat everything from nosebleeds to jaundice. 

3. Pale-leaved Sunflower 

Pale-leaved sunflower 
Pale-leaved sunflower  | image by homeredwardpri via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Helianthus strumosus
  • Zone: 3 to 8
  • Where to see: Disturbed habitats, meadows 
  • Bloom in: July to October 

The pale-leaved sunflower is a relative of the common sunflower that grows over five feet tall. This plant is a much smaller version of the classic flower.

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It grows in bush form and rarely exceeds 3 feet in height. The flowers themselves bloom higher upon long stems, while the leaves of the plant remain close to the ground and tightly packed. 

4. Cardinal Flower 

Cardinal flower
Cardinal flower | image by Joshua Mayer via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Lobelia cardinalis 
  • Zone: 3 to 9
  • Where to see: Along streams, moist soils
  • Bloom in: May to October 

Tenacious and dramatic, the cardinal flower will grow in almost any environment. Its bright red blooms are sure to catch the eye.

It will probably attract ruby-throated hummingbirds because of the nectar availability and its bright red color. If you already have a hummingbird feeder, we recommend planting cardinal flower nearby. It may increase your visitation!  

5. Teasel 

Wild teasel
Wild teasel | image by Andreas Rockstein via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Dipsacus fullonum  
  • Zone: 3 to 8  
  • Where to see: Grasslands and fallow fields 
  • Bloom in: Summer & Fall 

Teasel is a classic wildflower. This flower doesn’t bloom large, is a short and stubby plant, and has little to recommend itself compared to its homeliness and abundance of its flowers.

Even though it’s not a showstopper, consider planting it in your backyard garden. Many winter birds that eat seeds will visit if they have a moment to peruse the teasel seeds. 

Teasel was used historically as a medical herb. For hundreds of years, it was used for kidney and inflammation ailments. Today, it’s used in tea with patients of Lyme disease

6. Starry Campion

Starry campion
Starry campion | image by Nick Varvel via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Silene stellata
  • Zone: 4 to 9  
  • Where to see: Open woodlands, lawns 
  • Bloom in: June to September  

Some flowers need no adornment because they are just that simple. Starry campion is a white 4 petaled flower with a yellow center and slightly fringed petals.

The petals are split down the middle so that the bloom is visually divided. It appears that the plant has 8 petals, not just one. 

Conservationists are encouraging gardeners and nature enthusiasts to plant starry campion because it is considered threatened under Connecticut state regulations. The more opportunities it has to grow, the more chances it will recover from threats of environmental degradation. 

7. Virginia Bluebells 

Virginia bluebell flowers
Virginia bluebell flowers | image by Judy Gallagher via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Mertensia virginica  
  • Zone: 3 to 8 
  • Where to see: Open Woodlands 
  • Bloom in: Early Spring 

The Virginia bluebells are popular up and down the eastern seaboard. They are a beautiful shade of periwinkle that stands out from other flowers, especially those in orange and reds. They are cool-toned instead! 

These wildflowers will create colonies if planted together; hummingbirds are especially attracted to the bell-shaped flowers. 

8. Solomon’s Plume 

Solomon’s plume 
Solomon’s plume  | image by Leonora (Ellie) Enking via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Maianthemum racemosum 
  • Zone: 4 to 7
  • Where to see: Shady Places 
  • Bloom in: April to June

The Solomon’s plume grows throughout Connecticut in shaded and woody areas. It’s a great addition to your backyard, especially if you have a bank of trees or a deck that casts shade over the yard. 

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The flowers of Solomon’s plume are small and star shaped. They bloom in vertical stems at the end of a complex leaf. These shade-loving bushes grow slowly but burst into snowlike color in the early and mid-spring each year. 

9. Common Blue Violet 

Common blue violet
Common blue violet | image by Emma Helman via Flickr
  • Scientific name: Viola sororia  
  • Zone: 3 to 10 
  • Where to see: Road Edges, Fields, Suburbs 
  • Bloom in: Summer  

The common blue violet can be a nuisance or a hardy ornamental, depending on your environment and the plants in your yard. It’s a fantastic attractant for pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Rodents love to eat it and ants even spread the seeds. Common blue violets have the ability to expel their seeds in an exploding pod! 

10. Forget-me-not

Forget me not flowers
Forget me not flowers
  • Scientific name: Myosotis scorpioides  
  • Zone: 5 to 9 
  • Where to see: Disturbed Areas, Forest Edges 
  • Bloom in: Spring to Fall 

The forget-me-not is a well-known perennial memorialized for years in books and songs. Its clever name is a nod to folklore from Judeo-Christian histories.

It was said that God walked through the garden of Eden and asked a blue flower what its name was. The flower, which was shy, said it forgot. God called the flower “forget-me-not” after that as a promise to never forget it. 

Forget-me-nots are tiny and delicate with periwinkle petals and light yellow centers. Colors range from light blue to lilac. They bloom earlier in the spring and even late into the fall. Cold weather is their friend, and they thrive easily. 

11.  Blue Vervain 

  • Scientific name: Viola pedata
  • Zone: 4 to 8
  • Where to see: Shady areas 
  • Bloom in: Early Spring to Summer

Blue vervain is one of the earliest-blooming flowers on this list of Connecticut’s wildflowers. It blooms in early March, when the hills and forests are just beginning to slough off the covering of snow they’ve worn for the last several months. 

Blue vervain grows in short clumps under a foot tall. You could plant them instead of pansies in a seasonal bed. Remember that these are perennials, however, and you may need to prune them back or transplant them after a season. 

12. Hairy White Oldfield Aster 

Hairy white oldfield aster 
Hairy white oldfield aster  | image by Joshua Mayer via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Symphyotrichum pilosum 
  • Zone: 3 to 10 
  • Where to see: Old fields, meadow edges
  • Bloom in: Spring to Fall 

The lengthy name of this wildflower, also called the Frost Aster, doesn’t take away from its simple beauty. Like most asters, the petals are small and numerous. This aster species has white petals and distinct ‘hair’ on the stem.

The hair’s purpose is to prevent ants from harvesting the nectar. When the shrub blooms, the entire plant erupts in a dizzying display of white blossoms.

13. Wild Bergamot 

Wild bergamot 
Wild bergamot  | image by Joshua Mayer via Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Scientific name: Monarda fistulosa   
  • Zone: 3 to 9
  • Where to see: Forest edges, dry soils 
  • Bloom in: Summer 

The Wild bergamot, also known as bee balm, is a great addition to your yard. It gets its name from its ability to attract many species of bees.

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It’s adapted to disturbance and it grows well in the wild, so it’s unlikely that it would have any issues in a well-tended garden. If you want to bring hummingbirds into your yard, try planting bee balm. 

14. Rose Pink

Rose pink flower
Rose pink flower | image by Andrew Cannizzaro via Flickr | CC BY 2.0
  • Scientific name: Sabatia angularis   
  • Zone: 6 to 9 
  • Where to see: Meadows, Forest Edges 
  • Bloom in: Summer & Early Fall  

With a name like rose pink, it can be difficult to get an idea of what you’re looking at. this flower, which also goes by the name Bitterbloom and Rose Gentian, is a small herbaceous plant that grows up to 3 feet tall. The 5 well-shaped petals have a yellow and green center from which issues a pistil. 

When these bushes bloom, they usually bloom in clusters. They have a two year life cycle, which means they won’t produce buds that bloom until the second year.